Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

Wish it wouldn't have rained today..kind of put a damper on the whole Easter Egg Hunt tradition.

Regardless today was a somewhat special day for our little family. I finally got to meet my sweetheart's biological dad. He lives in Oklahoma so visits are rare. It was so wonderful. He is such a loving and nice guy. He loved his grandson. It was the first time he got to see him.

We went to church service as well and we got to enjoy the company of other family members as well. (Even though we aren't married I look at his family like my own..especially since the closest family on my side is 2.5 miles away.) *sad face*

Me and Blue (my sweetheart as I call him) both had to work a little today so we didn't get to visit too long. However, since Blue had to be at work by noon, we went to eat where Blue serves (Ruby Tuesday) so that we could all visit just a little bit longer. It was fun. My little man did such a great job. He was calm and relaxed the whole time even though he was SO tired and hungry. (I didn't think we'd be gone as long as we were so mommy didn't bring food and bottles...oops!) 

After we both got off work we just ate and played Call of Duty: Black Ops II until Rhyker woke up. Poor little man woke up in a bad dream. He was fussing and slightly flailing for like 2 minutes before he finally woke up. He wasn't acting himself and he eyes were leaking and he kind of had crusties around his eyes, so I took his temperature and poor little guy is sicky. He had a 102.1 temperature. I gave him tylenol and fed him and he went back to sleep.

On a positive note, we started him on baby jar food today. He had carrots with his rice cereal. He LOVED it. It was the first food that actually had flavor. It was so precious watching him do his little crunches to get to the spoon faster! I just love it! 

Anyways..Time to catch up on some shows and then some sleep. Cuddle sesh with the boyfriend!! :)

Sweet Dreams

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