Tuesday, March 12, 2013


4 months ago I had my son. The entire time I was pregnant I was limited to the kind of activity I did because I ended up putting myself in the hospital for walking too much. (big bummer for me) Ever since my 6 week check-up I had wanted to start working out. I love the feeling after I workout! 

On my birthday this year (Feb. 19) I started going to the gym again. I was so excited. I even bought myself my favorite workout video, Hip Hop Abs, so I can workout at home when I can't make the gym. 

This morning I went to the gym (oh how I just adore 6am..). With losing an hour from Daylight Savings I was really feeling the time difference. It was gloomy and rainy and I had a headache. I got to the gym and had a fairly nice workout:

*Bike: 25 mins
*Arms-4 machines: 15 mins
*Tredmil (cool-down): 5 mins
*Stretches: 10 mins

I felt so great leaving the gym and had so much energy. It made me so glad that I pushed myself to get up and go. I can't wait to start seeing results from my combination of the gym and my workout videos.

I also found (not too long ago) some easy workouts you can do around the house. It got me excited to stay motivated and add more fitness to my life. It will make me feel so great.

Anyways, it's called the, Lazy Girl Fitness, and it's from a blog I found on Pinterest (LOVE this site..I always find great stuff here). I am planning on putting up reminders on my fridge, microwave, and stove to remind me to do those exercises! So excited! :)

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