Sunday, March 24, 2013

Event Overload!

Sorry for not writing in so long, but there's been so much going on lately! I don't even know where to start.....

I had my interview for Walmart not to long ago. I got the job! It's exciting, but hard being away from my son (just like I thought it would be). Good thing is I get to come home and shower him in lovin's! :) I am still in 'training' even though I've already done this job before. I am ready to start!

On another note we bought a new car finally last week! Our car ('97 Chevy Cavalier) was breaking down so much! The car didn't even want to turn left anymore. We broke down and bought a great car. We now have a beautiful. shiny, brand new 2012 Ford Focus SE 4D Sedan. Love it! :)

We also bought me new glasses that I desperately needed. They came in 2 days ago! It's so nice to finally really be able to see! The glasses I had previously were so old I couldn't even hardly read a license plate from the car in front of us (from the back seat of the car). Not good! I love my new glasses and I'm definitely excited to be able to see! :)

Lastly, my sweet little man is really growing up! I know I say that a lot, but being as he's my first there are those days when I just think. "Wow, look how grown up you're getting". He is almost 5 months old and is just now finally eating from a spoon. The first time I attempted to feed him (rice cereal) from a spoon I guess he was just to hungry to have any patience. He wouldn't close his mouth to intake any of the food, and he screamed till I gave him his bottle. Not the best of times. 

However, I had another go at it and he literally does crunches to get his food. He grabs his toes and pulls his upper body to the spoon. He also loves to try and grab the spoon and pull it to his mouth. I love the mess. It's such an exciting time. Plus, the crunches work his stomach muscles so maybe it'll help him catch up to his amazing strength in his legs! Other than that he has been trying to sit up and support himself. He does end of tipping over sideways, but it's so fun to watch. I love watching my baby learning new things. It's almost as if he gets so it's his new tricks! So wonderful! :)

I'm looking forward to introducing different foods. I can't wait to see what he likes and doesn't care for. Hopefully I'll be able to get some vegetables into his diet soon! I'll keep you posted.

Until then, I'll be enjoying my crazy busy, but oh so exciting life! Things are really looking up for my family! I love it!

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