Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

Wish it wouldn't have rained today..kind of put a damper on the whole Easter Egg Hunt tradition.

Regardless today was a somewhat special day for our little family. I finally got to meet my sweetheart's biological dad. He lives in Oklahoma so visits are rare. It was so wonderful. He is such a loving and nice guy. He loved his grandson. It was the first time he got to see him.

We went to church service as well and we got to enjoy the company of other family members as well. (Even though we aren't married I look at his family like my own..especially since the closest family on my side is 2.5 miles away.) *sad face*

Me and Blue (my sweetheart as I call him) both had to work a little today so we didn't get to visit too long. However, since Blue had to be at work by noon, we went to eat where Blue serves (Ruby Tuesday) so that we could all visit just a little bit longer. It was fun. My little man did such a great job. He was calm and relaxed the whole time even though he was SO tired and hungry. (I didn't think we'd be gone as long as we were so mommy didn't bring food and bottles...oops!) 

After we both got off work we just ate and played Call of Duty: Black Ops II until Rhyker woke up. Poor little man woke up in a bad dream. He was fussing and slightly flailing for like 2 minutes before he finally woke up. He wasn't acting himself and he eyes were leaking and he kind of had crusties around his eyes, so I took his temperature and poor little guy is sicky. He had a 102.1 temperature. I gave him tylenol and fed him and he went back to sleep.

On a positive note, we started him on baby jar food today. He had carrots with his rice cereal. He LOVED it. It was the first food that actually had flavor. It was so precious watching him do his little crunches to get to the spoon faster! I just love it! 

Anyways..Time to catch up on some shows and then some sleep. Cuddle sesh with the boyfriend!! :)

Sweet Dreams

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Date Night!!

So, I've been with my sweetheart for over a year now, and we have never been on an actual 'date'.

This past week when I got off work at night my love came and picked me up. Well, last night I didn't call him to say I was off work. I figured I could just walk home instead. I walk through the doors and guess who pulls up right in front of me as though by magic. My prince charming! :)

So I get in the car and as I'm putting my seat belt on he says, "wait, don't put that on yet". Confused I said okay. He then proceeds to tell me to take off my jacket. I do. The next request I was very confused about. He starts heading in a direction that isn't home and as we are headed through an intersection he tells me to take my shirt off..don't worry it isn't what it seems. I look at him confused and he says, "trust me". (Luckily I had on a tank top.) I took off my my work shirt and he hands me another shirt. Then we drove on and talked about our day.

Once we had got downtown by the mall (mind you it's after 10) he asks if I'm hungry. I was! We got something to eat and went to the theater. We saw the new G.I Joe movie.

The whole night was really nice. Very simple, but spur of the moment. It was a surprise and he thought of it on his own..not very common for him. :)

Plus, who can beat a little one-on-one time cuddling in the theater with your sweetheart and having a nice night out without your kiddo.

Now, I will tell you that as soon as we got home I rushed in the house to see my little man! He was asleep, but I woke him up to cuddle and play a little bit because I hadn't seen him all day.

I love my boys so much! I am truly blessed!

Happy Mommy!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Event Overload!

Sorry for not writing in so long, but there's been so much going on lately! I don't even know where to start.....

I had my interview for Walmart not to long ago. I got the job! It's exciting, but hard being away from my son (just like I thought it would be). Good thing is I get to come home and shower him in lovin's! :) I am still in 'training' even though I've already done this job before. I am ready to start!

On another note we bought a new car finally last week! Our car ('97 Chevy Cavalier) was breaking down so much! The car didn't even want to turn left anymore. We broke down and bought a great car. We now have a beautiful. shiny, brand new 2012 Ford Focus SE 4D Sedan. Love it! :)

We also bought me new glasses that I desperately needed. They came in 2 days ago! It's so nice to finally really be able to see! The glasses I had previously were so old I couldn't even hardly read a license plate from the car in front of us (from the back seat of the car). Not good! I love my new glasses and I'm definitely excited to be able to see! :)

Lastly, my sweet little man is really growing up! I know I say that a lot, but being as he's my first there are those days when I just think. "Wow, look how grown up you're getting". He is almost 5 months old and is just now finally eating from a spoon. The first time I attempted to feed him (rice cereal) from a spoon I guess he was just to hungry to have any patience. He wouldn't close his mouth to intake any of the food, and he screamed till I gave him his bottle. Not the best of times. 

However, I had another go at it and he literally does crunches to get his food. He grabs his toes and pulls his upper body to the spoon. He also loves to try and grab the spoon and pull it to his mouth. I love the mess. It's such an exciting time. Plus, the crunches work his stomach muscles so maybe it'll help him catch up to his amazing strength in his legs! Other than that he has been trying to sit up and support himself. He does end of tipping over sideways, but it's so fun to watch. I love watching my baby learning new things. It's almost as if he gets so it's his new tricks! So wonderful! :)

I'm looking forward to introducing different foods. I can't wait to see what he likes and doesn't care for. Hopefully I'll be able to get some vegetables into his diet soon! I'll keep you posted.

Until then, I'll be enjoying my crazy busy, but oh so exciting life! Things are really looking up for my family! I love it!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Separation Anxiety??

So, I know in my last post I was so thrilled about this job offer. But I realized today while I was playing with my son that it's gonna be really difficult for me to be away from him for hours at a time. I am used to staying home with him all day, everyday; wherever I go, he goes!

I think I'm afraid to miss those very special moments..those first time moments in a child's life. My son is only 4 1/2 months old..there are so many things that he's about to learn how to do. I am so excited about it. I love being home and playing with my son, getting down on his level and teaching him how to play with his toys. I love that he talks to me in his sweet little coos and smiles at me throughout the matter what my mood may be. He is so full of life and I love being around it. I love that all I have to do is sing to my baby and he will stop crying and smile and 'sing' along with me. It's the sweetest thing in the world!!

I have always felt this way but I just want to say to mothers..enjoy every moment with your child. Don't let one smile or coo go unnoticed. Play with your child and show them you love them with your whole heart.

I am learning what it means to be a strong mom and to help support and take care of my little blessing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Job Interview!!

Welp, just as the title tells, I have a job interview on Tuesday!! I am so excited because as much as I love staying home with my son, I crave social interaction! My interview is at Walmart and I used to work there a little over a year ago.

Things have been a little crazy lately and since I am getting this job I may not be able to write everyday, but I am hoping to share with you as often as possible.

Now, as for me currently, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed. Sweet dreams, loves.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Laundry DAYS!

I know I can't be alone when I say I really dislike laundry days. And for my family it is literally DAYS of doing laundry!

We live in a small apartment complex so we don't have a dishwasher or washer and dryer outlets. SUCKS!! When it's time to do laundry the cheapest thing for us to do is go to my sweetheart's mom's house 30mins away. We usually wait till it's imperative that we wash our clothes before we decide to go. That being said, between me, him, and the baby, we can rack up quite the amount of clothes! By time we go it takes us about 2 1/2 DAYS to finish them all. It sucks, but we do get to see his mom and youngest brother in the process (which is always a pleasure).

Today, however, I am at his mom's house alone with the babes doing laundry. His brother is at school and mom's at work. That's all great and dandy except they have a fireplace and there is some kind of animal in there that keeps making noises...very creepy! 

Anyways, things are fairly well with me. Just a productive day today. :) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hidden Beauty

Dandelion on Fire

I soooo wanna do this! Isn't it just the prettiest thing!?!? I saw this picture and just knew I needed to add this to my bucket list!

Here's hoping I find a dandelion this summer to show off it's hidden beauty!


4 months ago I had my son. The entire time I was pregnant I was limited to the kind of activity I did because I ended up putting myself in the hospital for walking too much. (big bummer for me) Ever since my 6 week check-up I had wanted to start working out. I love the feeling after I workout! 

On my birthday this year (Feb. 19) I started going to the gym again. I was so excited. I even bought myself my favorite workout video, Hip Hop Abs, so I can workout at home when I can't make the gym. 

This morning I went to the gym (oh how I just adore 6am..). With losing an hour from Daylight Savings I was really feeling the time difference. It was gloomy and rainy and I had a headache. I got to the gym and had a fairly nice workout:

*Bike: 25 mins
*Arms-4 machines: 15 mins
*Tredmil (cool-down): 5 mins
*Stretches: 10 mins

I felt so great leaving the gym and had so much energy. It made me so glad that I pushed myself to get up and go. I can't wait to start seeing results from my combination of the gym and my workout videos.

I also found (not too long ago) some easy workouts you can do around the house. It got me excited to stay motivated and add more fitness to my life. It will make me feel so great.

Anyways, it's called the, Lazy Girl Fitness, and it's from a blog I found on Pinterest (LOVE this site..I always find great stuff here). I am planning on putting up reminders on my fridge, microwave, and stove to remind me to do those exercises! So excited! :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Early Mornings?? Me??

I have never been a morning person. I am what they call a night owl so I see the morning as I drift off to sleep. However, for some reason lately I haven't been upholding that title like I used to. I had been staying up till 4/5am only to sleep for 1.5-2 hours and waking up ready to tackle the day. Then last night I CRASHED at 10pm and I've been up since 5am. Still there to see the sun rise. So unlike me. It's so boring in the morning while everyone is asleep. So this morning I decided it was a nice day so I would go for a walk. It was a much needed walk. I quite enjoyed it. I hope that it's a sign that today is going to be a good day. :) 

It's Monday, which means that my sweetheart only has to work for 4 hours..not bad considering its usually between 10-12 hours. My goal for the next 2 days is to rearrange the living room (FINALLY) and finish up a few dishes in the kitchen as well as vacuum the house.

My son is finally getting to the age of just about crawling. It's more of an 'army crawl' you could say, but he sure seems to be able to book it around. He has very strong legs so he has definitely learned to use them to his advantage. I can't believe he's already growing up so fast! It seems I just brought him home yesterday. (and what an exciting day that was!)



I am just rambling on now and I think I hear my son, so have a great day!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Good Day!

So today I went and got to visit with a friend I hadn't seen in a LONG time. It was nice to finally catch up again. So much had changed in our lives. I love reconnecting with old friends. It's so crazy looking back and seeing just how much we've grown in our lives. She is a beautiful housewife and I a stay-at-home mom. Each of us loving what we do. I am so blessed to know such a strong individual who is so full of the spirit. She has always been an inspiration. All in all I've had a great day. :)

The Beginning

Welp, here I am. I have been reading a blog lately from a friend of mine, and have been inspired to share my story with one of my own. 

I am a loving mom to a sweet little 4 month old boy and I have been with my boyfriend for a little over a year. We are a simple family, but I'd like to say we are a happy one too. I am a stay-at-home mom, so taking care of my son is my full time responsibility (and I wouldn't have it any other way)! I love waking up every morning to his smiling face looking up at me and his sweet little coos saying "good morning, mommy".

I hope that I'll be able to share meaningful moments and experiences as well as anything else I feel inspired to tell. I love the simple things in life and I hope that I can inspire others the way that I was inspired.