Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

This way my first Mother's Day and I couldn't have been more excited to spend it with my own mother. My family for to come down for the weekend to visit and so we did as we always do, we stayed up really late being silly and having a great time!

That Saturday it was suppose to be rainy, but we decided to go fishing anyways. It was sunny and didn't seem so bad and we all really wanted to enjoy the warmer weather on the beach. It was Rhyker's first time to the beach which was so exciting and I was anxious to stick his little toes in the sand and water. We decided to walk over the restrooms before we headed down to the water and even though it was clear skies, out of nowhere it started POURING!! Me and mom where scrambling trying to shield Rhyker from the rain and trying to stop laughing as we are standing in the parking lot "stuck". There was a man in a truck watching..I swear he was getting a good laugh out of our reaction to the rain. Being as Skyler, Ethan, and dad had already went down to the beach we could see them running up. We all got back to the car, mom opened the van's trunk and tried to use that as shelter, but the rain was coming sideways and the 'shelter' didn't work. We all jumped in the car and as we are all laughing we realize my sister had just jumped in the trunk and closed the door in the scramble. The rain stopped almost as soon as we finally jumped in the car..go figure right!? 

When we finally got out we were all soaked (except Rhyker). We all walked down to the beach with hopes that the rain would be done for a while. It didn't rain the rest of the time we were there. We got to the sand and I put Rhyker's toes in it. He gave me the, "mom WHAT is this??" face! It was funny. I held his hands as I walked him into the water. He liked it all until I had the genius plan to write his name in the sand and sit him up to take a picture. He toppled over face first into the sand! *face palm* I felt bad, but me and my mom couldn't stop laughing. He didn't like the sand for a few minutes after that.

Nobody on the beach caught anything that day, but we all had a blast playing in the water and casting the line out anyways.

The next day we all just enjoyed each other's company. We didn't make it to church like we wanted because we stayed up really late the night before. It was so nice to be able to see my mommy and of course the rest of my family. All in all I had an incredible Mother's Day Weekend!

Oh, and I got my mom these beautiful orange and white roses.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bouncy House Play Date!


On April 24, me and a close friend took our boys to a Bouncy House place. It was a fun little playdate before they leave on their journey to Madagascar! I am so sad to see them leave, but unbelievably grateful for the memories we've shared. :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Quickly Filling Apartment!

Me and my sweet little family live in a 2 bedroom apartment and I work at Walmart. It's great until I end up bringing the store home.

I have always wanted an elliptical machine for home so I wouldn't have to go to the gym, but the one I wanted was $400. The other day at work I heard through the grapevine that all equipment was 50% off!! Immediately that elliptical was mine! I bought it for $188..what a steal!!

Today I went and picked it up as well as a GIANT beanbag chair. A really good friend of mine is getting ready to move to Madagascar so they are getting rid of basically everything! I have always loved beanbags, but this one takes it too a whole new level of excitement! It barely fit through our doorway. We had to do some major squishing, but I know Rhyker will love it as he grows as well!

I am so excited to get my house in order so that I can properly add these new items into my home.

On another note, my family is coming down to visit in 2 weeks! If you knew me you'd know that I absolutely LOVE my family! Nothing beats the times spent with them! I love seeing and hearing how much my siblings have grown (6 & 15). Plus, they love seeing how quickly Rhyker is growing up. It's such a special thing to see my son and his achievements/growth through someone else's eyes!

I can't wait for everything waiting in store for me. Family, fitness, and the journey my family is on. So much to be grateful for and so much to look forward too.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Raining Glitter! *Work Rant*

Remember when we were little and thought glitter was the coolest ever and made everything BEAUTIFUL!?

Yeah, well, let me tell you something. I HATE IT! It's horrible! It gets all over everything! It makes my face, hands, clothes, and all other parts attached to me 'pretty'.

On top of that, have you ever seen black glitter? The effects of black glitter are way worse (in my opinion) than any other color of this vicious accessory. Black glitter doesn't always 'sparkle' also plays like dirt on your face. SO not attractive!

Anyways, I was folding shirts today and when I went to brush off all the glitter from my shirt, it basically poured off as if it was a terrible rain shower of glitter.

*rant over*

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tigger Johnny Jump Up!

Saturday (April 14, 2013) I put Rhyker in his Tigger Johnny Jump Up. I had only previously put him in it once before which during that time he just sat there smiling at me because he didn't know what to do.

This was the first time he figured it out and had a blast!! He was going in circles (and trying to find me over his shoulder when his back was to me). He was kicking and 'jumping' and laughing and smiling. It was a wonderful thing to watch. I absolutely melt in the joy of playing with my son. I love him so much!

Mommy Badge!

So, if I hadn't already achieved my official mommy badge then I did yesterday!

I had just fed Rhyker his bottle and some mangos. He had never had mangos let alone any fruit prior to that feeding. He LOVED them. I had changed his butt and everything was great. We were sitting there cuddling while daddy played his game. Little did I know that I was going to have a new story to tell in a matter of minutes.

Like I said, we were cuddling. Face to face. I felt a warmth on my arm that was proceeding down my arm. Being that he had just ate, I assumed it was just spit up and wasn't too worried about it. To my surprise I moved him slightly to the right and there, on my arm, was really nasty liquid green poop!!

It didn't come through the side of the diaper either, no no, it decided to attack from the top of the diaper whereas to make sure it got my shirt and my arm. The worst part of the whole thing was that Rhyker was smiling at me, my sweetheart was frantically trying to get paper towels, and I couldn't stop laughing!!

I think it could be safe to say those mangos went straight through him. It was an interesting way to end the night. Rhyker went to sleep shortly thereafter.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Busy Lately

It's been quite a busy few days. I have been working a LOT lately!

Yesterday was my busiest day thus far! I got an hour and a half of sleep the night before, worked from 8-5, went grocery shopping from 5-6:30, put everything away till 7, picked up my sweetheart from work, went back to the store to get WIC because I forgot it was the expiration day, and then spent the rest of the night spending time with family!

Today was FINALLY my day off!! I had worked a whole week (7 days) straight! Rhyker woke up round 11:30am and had a rough day after that. He has had a really weird rash on his little booty's been bleeding. Ointments aren't working and I'm hoping it will go away soon. I'm really not sure what else to do except call the nurse. Anyways, He was fighting sleep and didn't finally go down till after 7pm. That's a really long time for him to go without a nap!

However, in that time he was pretty cute. I just adore his smiles and coos and even when he drools all over my hand trying to gnaw on my fingers! I also put him in the Tigger Johnny Jump Up today for the first time! He wasn't exactly sure what to do in it, but he managed to do a few circles and he thought just smiling at me was pretty fun. I thought it was really precious, especially when he would turn half way and his back would be to me, he would still be trying to look at me over his shoulder.

Aside from that I didn't really wanna do anything today. I did workout and start my Hip Hop Abs Challenge (which I talked about in my previous post), but I mostly caught up on shows and played with my son.

Waiting for my sweetheart to get home so we can play Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Sweet Dreams!!